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Murphy Respiratory

by | May 9, 2018

Facebook post.

Sarah Richardson Peacock

Location: Kirkbymoorside / Facebook

Murphy’s Respiratory Problems

On Monday we were struggling to get Murphy to come out of his stable. During and after relative low level exercise he was ‘heaving’ and took a long time to get his breathing back to normal. Murphy has been like this since July.

On Tuesday Murphy had his first 20 minute Newmarket Equine Salt Therapy, and an hour later I was sat on a happy boy with ears pricked and wanting to go!

On Wednesday he had his second treatment and he then had a two hour ride of trotting and cantering about including a gallop up Golden Hill (big hill for those of you not local)

Thursday saw his third treatment. He was ridden Thursday and Friday.

Today (Saturday) we have been up and down dale, cantering along, jumping logs and still full of running at the end.

I cannot express how impressed I am. In just three short treatments I have my pony back! I know that we will need top ups in the future to help Murphy cope with whatever causes the problem but to me it is the ideal non chemical, non-invasive treatment.

If anyone is thinking about trying this for equine skin conditions and or respiratory problems I would recommend it without any hesitation.

Thank you so much Darrell Torrens I couldn’t be more happy!

Source: Facebook Post